Despite what my previous rant may have made you think, I truly do participate and help improve our local convention. I have been a part of the CONduit family for a very long time. We're just going through a dysfunctional period and I'm trying to decided whether to move out of the house into my own place or help the family work on the existing house.
I plan on dressing in costume for at least all day Saturday. Friday is a maybe on the costume front and Sunday is a definite no on costuming. Sunday is my sloppy shorts and nerd t-shirt day due to lack of sleep. I'll be bringing my laptop and dice, that way I can drop in on any game that may appeal to me.
The Camarilla and UFO will have hall tables. The Camarilla will be selling the usual awesome buttons and NEW this year are hand crocheted, stuffed Chtulhus of various sizes and colors. UFO will be selling the group's CD, UFO: First Contact. Please buy from both groups. The money helps pay for the clubs' activities. Come say hi to me, I will be sitting off and on at both tables throughout the weekend.
Here is my official panel/events list for CONduit. These are just the ones where I am officially listed. It looks like the bulk of my stuff is on Friday. I will do my best to not fall asleep during the Sunday one, as I doubt I will be sleeping much Saturday night due to the all night filk on Saturday.
Noon: Convention Etiquette 101
4pm: Why to join a fan club. You start your new job. What happens when your co-workers find out that you are a Lt. Commander on the USS Tsunami or that you are an Honorable Lady in the SCA? What you could say could frighten them off or introduce them as possible new members to your organization.
5pm: Archaeology in SF media
9pm: Filk Showcase as part of the UFO Chorus
10pm: Late Night Filking/Hymnal Filk Never been to a Filksing? Come try it out! We’ll be here late! (2:00am) We will start the evening off with a sing along and then move to a poker chip-bardic circle. Hymnals included!
6pm: Bad fairy! You're NOT a Vampire! How recent books and media have warped Vampires into fairies and love interests.
8pmish: Halftime Masquerade Show as part of the UFO Chorus
11am: A day in the life of an ancient Egyptian
The only way to make things the way you want them to be is to make an effort at doing so. Show up to CONduit. Enter suggestions on the comments cards. Go to the praise and gripe panel on Sunday. Tell them where they went wrong or right. Let them know what fandom really thinks, not just what they think it should think.
As always I look forward to seeing you there.. I will look for your costume...!!
ReplyDeleteHaving spent my limited fandom cash at the Utah Ren Fair last Saturday and the fact that Memorial Day weekend is a weekend for the family (I have my son Fri-Sun), I will not be there. But I hope you have fun.
ReplyDeleteWhat songs are on the UFO First Contact CD?
Mostly new stuff. We have samples posted on our website. Stormtossed is Trek based.